- Vote4WASH Electoral campaign in Niger State, Nigeria, driven by PPDC Supported by WaterAID Nigeria. #Vote4WASHNiger Campaign
In 2015 the world committed to a global vision to universal access to drinking water, sanitation and hygiene with the SDGs aiming and targeting that by 2030 open defecation is eradicated, universal access to drinking water, sanitation and hygiene in homes, schools and health centers becomes a reality, reduction in percentage of the population without access to safe drinking water and sanitation and disproportion in access to basic WASH services are gradually removed. In aligning with the global goal and driven by our organization’s objective to promote development and enhance citizen participation to hold government accountable, in September, 2018 Socio Economic Research and Development Centre (SERDEC) in partnership with the Public Private Development Centre (PPDC) launched the Vote4WASHNiger Campaign in Niger State with support from WaterAID Nigeria.
The Vote4WASHNiger Project is been implemented in three selected communities, (Yelwa Community, Agaie LGA, Kadna Community, Bosso LGA and Lanle Community, Lavun LGA) in Niger State. Following the launch and identification of the selected communities, three community based monitors were deployed with contractual data to access the level of implementation of the public contracts awarded for the provision of WASH infrastructures.
Our #Vote4WASHNiger project Implementation Approach
- Advocacy Visit to Community / traditional leaders.
We conducted an advocacy visit the power group of the three selected communities to discuss issues related to the importance of water, sanitation and hygiene. The aim of the visit was to meet with the stakeholders and provide information on WASH to the community and opinion leaders to advocate for improved sanitation and hygiene standards, that will lead to an overall positive environment and ensure that households have knowledge of the linkages between sanitation, hygiene and health leading to increased public demand for quality sanitation services and adoption of hygiene practices.
- Mapping and identification of Community Stakeholders for KADNA, LAVUN and AGAIE LGA, Niger State.
We conducted a mapping and identification of community stakeholders of Kadna, Bosso LGA, Lanle, Lavun LGA and Yelwa, Agaie LGA. The aim was to identify the stakeholders that we will be working with and prepare a list of those that will be attending the townhall meeting. The process gave the community a sense of ownership as they are been carried along in mobilizing their voices, raising awareness toward reinforce the #VoteWASHNiger Campaign.
- Media Conference on WASH with local Media Organizations
We carried out a media strategy meeting with local media organizations. The aim of the media strategy meeting was to encourage quality local media coverage of WASH-related issues through a systematic analysis of the consequences of a lack of sanitation on the health and living conditions of people in rural communities. It is also expected that the media conference will encourage media organization to disseminate the #VoteWASHNiger Campaign.
The media is an important medium to communicate effectively with communities, through the local media, information on WASH was disseminated using local languages, this strategy ensured wider outreach for communicating discussions on improved sanitation and hygiene practices. The meeting resulted in the wiliness and commitment of the media organization to work with us on the Vote4WASHNiger Campaign.
- Town Hall Meeting for Community Stakeholders on WASH
We organized a townhall meeting that brought together 60 participants (community leaders & Stakeholders) drawn from three communities (Lanle, Lavun. Kadna, Bosso and Yelwa Agaie LGAs). The aim of the meeting was to build the capacities of participants, as well as improve their understanding of questions relating to water, hygiene and sanitation in order to encourage action in this area. The meeting enabled participants to improve their understanding of WASH issues, in addition to strengthening their access to information and their skills in using information and communications tools to demand for basic WASH amenities from political leaders.
- Designing & Production the Niger State Citizen Manifesto & WASH Pledge Card
In simplifying the WASH issues, we designed and produced pamphlets, Niger state Citizen Manifesto and WASH Pledge Card in local language. The Content of the document captured the WASH commitments in simplified form and is been used as a learning tool for advocacy and citizen engagement during the VoteWASHNiger Pledge signing townhall meeting.
- Advocacy Visit/ meeting with 15 aspiring political aspirants
We visited the campaign offices of 15 aspirants from the leading political parties within the three local governments of Bosso LGA, Agaie LGA and Lavun LGA to discuss the PPDC WASH activities in their constituency and distributed 15 invitation letters for the VoteWASHNiger Pledge Signing townhall meeting. The visit helped in building synergy with the political office holders as they expressed their interest to be part of the WASH Campaign.
- VoteWASHNiger Radio Program
We took the campaign to the Airwave with series of Radio Program where we shared insight on the work of SERDEC, PPDC Partnership Project in Niger State, the Vote WASH Campaign and the Budeshi accountability tool in enhancing public finance management and accountability of public service delivery.
- Organizing the VoteWASHNiger Pledge signing townhall meeting
The VoteWASHNiger Pledge Signing townhall meeting was organized to bring community stakeholders and aspiring political officers to one hall, to discuss on the WASH needs of the people. We had in attendance 60 participants from the three pilot communities, the media and aspiring politicians drawn from the three federal and state constituencies. The meeting was a huge success as eleven aspirants signed onto the Vote WASH Campaign committing to WASH amenities if elected.
Malaria and Reproductive Health Campaign
- SERDEC Signs MOU with Society for Family Health (SFH) to fight Malaria. Began LLIN Sensitization Campaign in Mashegu LGA hard to reach Communities in Niger State.
Today we signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Society for Family Health (SFH) an indigenous Nigerian not-for-profit, nongovernmental organization specializing in public health interventions in the areas of HIV/AIDS, Reproductive Health, and Maternal and Child Health to combat malaria in local communities.
Malaria has continued to be a major public health burden in Nigeria, contributing to high morbidity and mortality especially among the vulnerable groups. It is estimated that children under 5 years of age have 2-4 episodes of malaria annually. Malaria accounts for 30% of childhood deaths and 11% maternal mortality. Transmission of malaria is stable and perennial in all parts of the country.
In line with supporting the national strategic plan for LLIN coverage across the county, Society for Family Health is working as a service provider for Catholic Relief Services (CRS) to distribute LLIN to households in NIGER state in partnership with Socio Economic Research and Development Centre, SERDEC. the main objective of the partnerships is to utilise community mobilisation channels to expand awareness on the LLIN replacement campaign and increase ownership and utilization of LLIN in the NIGER State.
We took our Campaign Activities to thirty rural and remote communities in Mashegu LGA, Niger State; this includes Kanti, Pallegi, Baban Rami, Masuci, Dadin Kowa, Kabogi, Kulho, Sabon Dokoki, Kudawa etc. Our team conducted Advocacy to the LGA Director of Health, Director Primary Health Care, District Head Mashegu, conduct Sensitization to 3 Churches (First Baptist Church, UMCA and Living Faith Church Babaan Rami) and 3 Mosques (Izala Mosque, Darika Mosque and Central Mosque Babaan Rami) and conducted a Focus Group Discussion with women groups, youths, community members to bring about awareness for the LLIN replacement campaign and increased ownership and utilization of LLIN in Mashegu LGA in NIGER State
SERDEC signs MOU with dRPC, Joins PacFAH@Scale Project.
Advocacy on Family Planning and Ending Childhood Killer Disease in Niger State
- The Partnership for Advocacy in Child and Family Health at Scale (PAS) was designed as an intervention to strengthen the Nigeria Health System by creating an environment for civil society organizations to hold government at national and sub-national level to account for its pledges, commitment and standard in healthcare service delivery within the area of child and family health. On 29th March, 2019 Socio Economic Research and Development Centre (SERDEC) signed a sub-grantee agreement with dRPC to carryout activities leading to advocacy on family planning and ending childhood killer disease in Niger State. The Partnership for Advocacy in Child and Family Health at Scale (PacFAH@Scale) project Nigeria is a pilot health accountability project implemented by the development Research and Projects Centre (dRPC) in partnership with indigenous civil society organizations to implement projects mainly in the areas of public health and education.
SERDEC PacFAH@Scale project issue areas includes: (Routine Immunization, Family Planning, childhood killer diseases and Primary Health Care under One Roof-PHCOUR). The project is designed as evidence based advocacy intervention to catalyze government at national and state levels to deliver on pledges made on funding healthcare service delivery of funding, administrative/regulatory procedures and public health policy & reforms.
OUR Activities so Far….
- SERDEC Partners PAS Partners to conduct a review on the four issue areas and developed issue brief on Family Planning and Child Killer Disease.
- SERCEC conducts Advocacy Visit to Niger State Planning Commission and state Ministry of Health to access the 2018 CIP.
- SERDEC Supports NANNM to review the performance of the 2018 CIP in order to determine the level of timely release of funds for the 4 Quarter of Year 2018
- SERDEC Conducts roundtable discussion on the impact of 2018-2019 Niger State health budget with staff of Planning Commission and Ministry of Health Niger State
- Advocacy visit to the New E.D of Niger State Primary Health Care Development Agency
- SERDEC Conducts a review on the four issue areas & developed issue brief on Family Planning & Child Killer Disease.